Maggie’s Story




My love affair with Flat-Coated Retrievers began with Maggie - I was searching for a great family dog - one that would get along with young kids, people of all ages, other dogs and pets. I researched breeds, and found the lovable retrievers.

In further research, I found the magical phrase “moderate shedders”, something no one who’s owned a lab or a golden retriever has every seen in print. So, I further researched and met my first FCRs - on the beach - 2 black beauties covered in sea water - I asked many questions, and found the same responses as I’d read - they’re fun loving, playful, happy dogs.

To be clear, I wanted to find a dog that could become part of our family - FCRs are definitely that dog - they are extremely affectionate, loving, and active. They are ready for a hike, a swim, a snuggle, just want to be with their humans. I later found the wild and crazy world of dog conformation…. another story (See Angus’s story).


Angus's Story