Angus's Story


Angus at 9 weeks



After working on conformation with Maggie - and the loss of our senior citizen Yorkies, I was ready for another dog - another FCR…. This time, I was looking for more than a great temperament - I was also looking for a mate for Maggie.

I looked at Maggie’s strengths and her weaknesses - I wanted to build on her strength of temperament, movement, ease with everyone and improve her coat - liver color is recessive - beautiful, but a bit more challenging to keep up - I also wanted a bit more bone - and a strong working/hunting background. I searched for a line from another geographic area - ideally one closer to the ties to the original UK dogs. I found the legendary Blacfriar Kennel in Hamburg, NY.

Yes, I flew to get my next pup, Blacfriar The Sky Is the Limit -(Angus) a sweet pup, with the intention of showing him in conformation. What I didn’t expect was what a love he is - he’s stolen my heart (again) with his affection, sweetness, and incredible biddability (willingness to please). He exceeded my conformation expectations - earning Champion in 4 months, Best Puppy at the National Specialty, and admiration of many who meet him. He titled as a Grand Champion at 15 months. He’ll spend his 2nd year of life as my constant companion and working on Rally and Hunt skills. You’ll see us in the ring in a year or two. My big black beauty is 71 lbs at a year, and loving everyone he meets.


Frankie's Story


Maggie’s Story